Cole, Design Write-up

Antisocial Media

This cartoon depicts social media users by displaying their lives as “prisoners”, using a Facebook periscope to view what is outside, instead of leaving through the door that is already open slightly. This cartoon is supposed to critique society by showing that people hide behind their devices instead of having real experiences or meeting people in-person. People spend upwards of five or more hours on their devices every day, gathering only filtered information about their friends or loved-ones, when they could easily experience much more by “stepping through the door”.

This cartoon was drawn many years before the Covid outbreak, when staying home or on devices wasn’t as socially accepted. This cartoon may be changed to fit today’s narrative by having the door be fully closed or locked in order to simulate that the only way for people to reach the outside is through communicating on social media, due to social-distancing regulations.

One thought on “Antisocial Media

  1. Thanks for the quick post, Cole. Make sure to use the gallery block for images and select “link to media” so we can enlarge the thumbnail. Gallery will also allow you to set a “featured image” for the blog page. See the blog instruction video at the top of the blog for a review.

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