Design Write-up, Teasha

Heinz Tomato Ketchup

I chose this ketchup ad because Heinz is a product that many people, as well as myself, are familiar with, and I wanted to further explore what subconscious processes might be going through my head if I were to see this ad in passing.

In this Heinz ketchup poster ad, the bottle of ketchup is represented as a collection of appetizing tomatoes on the vine. The ad communicates to the viewer that the product is grown fresh, as you can see the rather young tomato plants in the ground, and a small label that says “grow your own”. Because many people associate fresh fruits and vegetables with good nutrition, this ad gives the impression that Heinz ketchup is composed solely of tomatoes, because that is all that we see in this image. This is a clever tactic because not only does it draw ones attention away from the fact that Heinz is not simply composed of just tomatoes but of other ingredients such as ‘high fructose corn syrup’ and ‘natural flavoring’, which are not as appealing to people who are motivated by good nutrition.

In addition, this healthy product distracts people from the fact that they may be putting this “nutritious” condiment on traditionally unhealthy entrees such as cheeseburgers, chicken nuggets, and french fries. It relieves people’s guilt and appeals to their emotions around food and health. And if nutrition is not the main concern for the consumer, the mere fact that there are bright, red, plump, and hearty tomatoes at the front and center would do the trick for the tomato lovers out there. It stimulates our visual sensors and makes the product seem even more appetizing.

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