Design Write-up, Lena

Keep Cool by Marco Melgrati

This contemporary art graphic by Marco Melgrati particularly sparked my interest. I was initially drawn to the burning of the women and the act’s association with persecution. With the absence of typography one might have to infer the reason why this women has been sentenced to burn. Yet, the addition and placement of the stereotypically sketched witch adds apt context to the design. The colors used throughout the women’s dress, in the ropes, and fire, combine effectively with the dark background adding a timeless component. However, the use of a cigarette and the 20th century ideal of a witch in the sketch are components that provide a contemporary edge and thought to the piece. Though my initially reaction to Melgrati’s design regarded persecution that was not necessarily the artists intent.

This graphic is entitled Keep Cool, and after learning this through Melgrati’s instagram caption, “Keep Cool, no matter what,” I began to notice different features of the design. I picked up on the stillness of the women’s body even through the apparent movement in the dress and flames. Furthermore, the artist composition of the women’s expression as effortlessly emotionless, communicates the absence of fear within her while suggestion fears strong presence around her – as the dress pulls fiercely away from the fires peak. Because of this, Melgrati’s Keep Cool speaks more to an individuals behavior in response to persecution, hatred, and fear than to the specific act.

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