Design Write-up, Tom L

Design Write Up

The contemporary art graphic I chose is a poster advertisement for Western Air Lines from the 1970’s. When searching for a contemporary art graphic that I would be interested in, I thought of advertisements that are flashy and have mass appeal because they tend to be more successful. My mind went straight to the California city of Palm Springs, which is known for its pizzazz. This specific poster depicts an illustration of a Western Air Lines plane flying over Palm Springs. The vibrant colors used capture a warm feeling that would make the viewer want to travel there. Positive imagery associated with relaxation like bathing suits, palm trees, and a pool also give the impression that Palm Springs is a desirable place to visit. Lastly, bold typography is used to get people’s attention. Western Air Lines uses large, yellow text to spell out Palm Springs as if there are selling the idea of this specific place, rather than their actual airline. The artist uses the key word “playground” to describe this vacation destination. They are implying it is fun paradise.

This graphic might have had a greater effect on people during its heyday compared to today because it can be seen as an idealized life. The man and woman in the foreground smiling could come across to some viewers as unrealistic. However, this type of idealized advertising is still used by many airlines and companies in the present world. Ultimately, this piece caught my interest because its an example of optimistic graphic design.

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